Subclass 188C (Significant Investor) Temporary Visa

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Subclass 188C (Significant Investor) Temporary Visa


Applicants only need to prove lawful assets worth AUD 5 million and the ability to transfer them to Australia. Applicants are not required to operate a business in Australia.


Suitable for:

High-net-worth individuals planning to transfer their assets to Australia.


Visa Advantages:

No points, no age, no English language, no education, and no occupation assessment requirements.


Application Requirements:


  • Source of funds requirement: Provide a legal explanation of the source of AUD 5 million.
  • Funds transfer requirement: Provide evidence of the legal transfer of AUD 5 million to Australia.


Processing Time: Priority processing


Requirements for the Subclass 888 Permanent Resident Visa:


  • Investment amount requirement: Invest AUD 5 million in specified projects.
  • Investment period requirement: At least 4 years.
  • Residence period requirement: Reside in Australia for a minimum of 160 days during the 4-year investment period.
  • State government requirement: Invest at least AUD 500,000 in specified risk investment or invest at least AUD 1.5 million in specified managed funds or listed investment companies. Additionally, invest a maximum of AUD 3 million in "balanced investments" through managed funds or listed investment companies.